
Some people love the quest of searching out their ancestors. They enjoy the hunt, but could use a little advice. Some want to know more about their family, but may not have the time or skill set to begin their search. And some may just want a helping hand to locate a particularly elusive family member. If you are in need, I can help.

Genealogy was once a means to prove royal linage, which meant it wasn’t exactly, shall we say, always acurate or truthful. Likewise, genealogy is only as dependable as the information that can be extracted from records they may have been associated with. This that, with the exception of church records or legal records, censuses are going to be your lifeblood and why most linages are only acurate back to the 14th century. No, you cannot trace your linage back to Adam and Eve although I have certainly seen people try.

Research is time consumming, both in the research and in preparing the information you will receive. Here is a breakdown of what I can do for you:

One to three generations:

Four to seven generations:

Family Tree

Family History